my political exile in argentina

I am an american wife and mother living in self-imposed exile. These are my thoughts about my new life here in Argentina, the life I left in Connecticut, and my views of the state of the world..all hopefully written with a relevant voice and a sense of humor.

05 May 2005

My first post....three months later

Here is my inaugural post from February 21. Apparently it got lost in a blackhole or vortex, or some other space metaphor for"I don't know what the hell happened". Well now it happily joins its younger sisters.

My first post...whopee!

Hi there:Its really hot right now in Argentina. Its summer here, being on the otherside of the equator and all. You would be really surprised how many people, college educated people, don't get the concept of seasons, the tilt of the earths axis etc....You probably didn't tune in to talk about the weather or basic geography. The seasonal inversion thing is relevant though, in that its is usually the first of many things friends and family from the U.S. have a hard time understanding about our life here.

I want to put down in writing how my family ended up living in Argentina and what we found. Its been a strange adventure. A year ago we left the security of the known and increasingly banal suburban life for the unknown and increasingly seductive life in a struggling south American country. We are not carpetbaggers here, living the good life cheap for the sake of an economic opportunity. We are here for our four young children, for our marriage and to leave for awhile a country that is not feeling like home.More later, time to pick up the kids and have the car washed. Living large.........

posted by elizabeth @ 2:40 PM 1 comments


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